Literacy Strategies

Reading comprehension can be a struggle for many students.  As a Reading Specialist I’ve come across many books about reading.  I’ve also come across several strategies that can help students to read better, understand what they read, and also to write better. For example KWL charts and Venn diagrams. I plan to start a series of blog posts on different literacy strategies that I have used with my students, while teaching, that I have found effective.  One book that I highly recommend that has been a great resource for me is “50 Literacy Strategies” by Gail Tompkins

I personally have a copy of the first and second editions of this book.  It is now in its fourth edition.  It is a great resource for teachers to quickly locate strategies. Further posts in the series will focus on just one or two strategies and I will delve into specifics of how a strategy works and some examples of it in use. So keep checking back for strategies that can help you and your students to be successful!


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